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How to Use Rakuten with Your Ad Blocker
Enabling Cash Back shopping allows Rakuten to properly track shopping trips to our parther stores. This will not disable AdBlock for other sites. See moreless information +-

Members with AdBlock or AdBlock Plus installed may experience issues receiving Cash Back.

Chrome, Safari & Firefox Users: In order to ensure that you are properly credited for Cash Back for every online purchase, please add or subscribe to the Ebates Cash Back Shopping filter list by clicking the ''Click to enable Cash Back Shopping'' button above and following any browser prompts as necessary.

Enabling Cash Back shopping allows Rakuten to properly track shopping trips to our parther stores.

Internet Explorer Users: In order to ensure that you are properly credited for Cash Back for every online purchase, you must disable AdBlock entirely during your shopping sessions.

To disable AdBlock:
  1. Click the Tools menu or the icon in the upper right corner of your browser.
  2. Select Manage add-ons from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Toolbars and Extensions, and then select AdBlock from list of add-ons.
  4. Click Disable
  5. Click here to continue shopping with Cash Back

After purchase is completed, re-enable AdBlock by following the steps 1-3 above and then clicking Enable.

Thank you! Your ad blocker will no longer prevent
you from earning 1% Cash Back
If you see this message again, please disable your ad blocker
during your shopping session to earn Cash Back.
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